How to be Slim and Healthy

Learn how to be slim and healthy the natural way. Have you ever noticed the other shoppers whenever you are in a supermarket doing your weekly shop? It's something that I find fascinating, especially when you compare the individual customer with the kinds of food items they are filling their shopping baskets up with.

From a health standpoint, a common theme seems to run in the obvious visual aspect of how the customer appears physically. Let's take a look and see how that looks.

What Goes in the Basket

how to be slim and healthy naturallyIn the majority of cases, the obviously overweight shoppers tend to fill their baskets with processed, packaged meals, snacks and sweet desserts along with king size plastic bottles of fizzy soda pop and flavored cordials. This is clearly going to be neither beneficial to the shopper's health nor complimentary to their figure.

On the other hand, those shoppers that appear to be close to the correct weight for their height and build, tend to shun the freezer sections and go for more fresh ingredients with which to prepare and cook their own meals. This would indicate a person who is more apt to create home cooked meals in the traditional sense and not rely on ready meals. It would also correspond to their slimmer figure and healthier aspect.

But what has any of this to do with staying slim in an eco-friendly way?

Production Costs

Well, it takes a considerable amount of additional power to produce the processed, ready meal varieties that are heavily promoted on the supermarket shelves than it does to farm the raw ingredients. That power has to be generated somehow. You just know that it will come predominantly from fossil fuel based power stations.

So by refusing to buy processed meals at the store, you are doing your bit for the environment without even realizing. While at the same time you are doing your health a power of good and keeping your waistline in check.

Weight Control the Green Way

You can take this one step further and reduce your carbon footprint even more by cutting down on the amount of meat you eat. We humans can get by just fine on a vegetarian diet and in fact it is generally healthier for us.

It takes a lot of additional resources to farm animals for their meat and a large percentage of all crops grown are earmarked for animal feed. If more people reduced their meat intake, they would force the industry to shift its efforts to growing fewer crops for animal feed and more for human consumption.

This would reduce the stress on farmers to overproduce crops which would mean less chemical sprays would be needed and organic farms would become more profitable.

The upshot of this is that while you are maintaining a healthy body mass, size and shape, you are doing your bit for the environment as well. For more information on the genius of weight loss the eco friendly way, you can read more at Weight Loss Genius (click the link in the image above to visit the website). You'll soon realize this is definitely a win-win for all concerned, except maybe the profit-hungry food industry.